A successful day starts the night before. We’ve all heard that saying so many times; but what does that look like? For each of us it looks a little different. I love to hear what’s working for others and love to share what’s working for me.
Getting in the Right Head Space
For me to get up and be ready to start my morning time routine, my head has to be in the right frame of mind. If I come downstairs, and the living room is a mess, there’s clutter on the table, or dishes in the sink, I can’t focus. Or if I’m exhausted because I went to bed super late the night before, I’m not in a good spirit to start my morning time routine. I’ve sabotaged my day before I’ve even started.
So over the last few years, I’ve tried to get really focused on sticking with a bedtime routine. It’s really made a big difference for me in my productivity and the overall “success” of my days.
3 Things I Try to do Every Night Before Bed
Here are three things I try to do every night before bed that help set me up for success the next morning.
- Clean up the house before bed. It doesn’t have to be perfect, but I at least try to wash the dishes and start the dishwasher for the night. I sweep the floor. I make sure the table is clean and ready for my morning time routine the next morning.
- Write the next day’s to-do list on my phone. I do this so that I don’t have to expand extra energy the next morning trying to remember what I need to do for the day. The next morning, I just look at my phone and write everything down in my planner.
- Get to bed at a good time. This is probably the one I struggle with the most. But when I go to bed at a good time, it is so much easier to get up early the next day and be in a good head space to start my day.
- *Bonus: I’ve been trying to drink a cup of sleepytime tea each night before bed. I’m not sure if it makes a difference in my sleeping, but I like the calming effect of it.
What is your bedtime routine? What do you do before bed to set yourself up for a successful day the next day? I’d love to know!
For More Encouragement
One of my favorite books on routine and household chores is Sink Reflections by Marla Cilley.
If you like the idea of a bedtime routine and want ideas for a morning time routine as well, check out my free morning time routine course.