Wanting to Quit
Have you felt like you want to quit lately? Do you ever feel like what you’re doing is just not working, like you’re not cut out for what God has for you?
There’s usually a time (or two) when we come to a point in our lives and wonder if what we are doing with our lives is a mistake. Often, we call it a mid-life crisis. It’s a point where we realize that life is quickly flying past, and we wonder if what we are doing with our life really matters.
Maybe it’s the business you felt for sure God led you to start or the non-profit you were convinced He wanted you to spear-head. Possibly it’s the career you’ve given your life to that suddenly doesn’t feel like it’s enough. Or maybe you chose to stay home with your kids, but now you just feel exhausted and discouraged and unfulfilled. Whatever it is, you felt so sure that this is what God had for you at one point in your life…now, you’re not so sure.
A Few Bad Reviews
I know exactly how you feel. For those of you who are new to Faithfully Stepping, along with this blog and the books, journals, and devotionals I create with my husband under Manney Resources, I also write fantasy fiction under my pen name A. J. Manney. I wrote in last week’s blog how I’ve been struggling with comparing myself to other authors. Well, this week, I was slammed with a few bad reviews on Amazon for one of my books.
One reviewer said that they felt like they were reading a book written by a preteen in a frenzy. Ouch! I’m not even really sure what that means. I do know this—it’s not good. I read the reviews and felt sick to my stomach. They bothered me all week. I finally sat down and talked to my husband about it and told him everything I was feeling. After a long talk that grew heated at times, he finally said this. “I’m not going to let you give up on your dream, the dream God gave you, just because some people don’t like your writing. You’re not doing it for them.”
Finding Hope
I heard his words but didn’t let them sink in. Then I read a verse during my morning time routine that really encouraged me.
While I wait for God as long as he remains in hiding, while I wait and hope for him.
Isaiah 8:16,17 MSG
I stand my ground and hope…
As I read those words, “I stand my ground and hope,” God brought back to mind the words Matt had spoken to me. God reminded me in the quietness of the morning that it wasn’t time to quit. I need to stand my ground and not give up.
Don’t Quit
I don’t know what you are considering walking away from or giving up on, but I want to encourage you today to stand your ground and hope. It’s too soon to give up. It’s too soon to quit on what God has called you to do. It’s too soon to give up on your marriage or your child who’s walked away from God. Don’t quit praying for your miracle. Don’t stop praying for that job or opportunity. It’s always too soon to give up.
Whatever God has led you to do, don’t give up now that it’s difficult, now that’s it’s not what you thought it would be, not when it’s harder than it was supposed to be.
“God never promised success; He simply promised His presence.”
From my book The Hidden Pain: When You Fear God is No Longer Blessing Your Life

When Women Pray
I read today in my new favorite book by T. D. Jakes, When Women Pray, the quote below.
God’s extraordinary power will flow through the prayers of ordinary people when we have the faith to pray—and when we are willing to take action to open the door and take hold of what God has set before us.
When Women Pray: 10 Women of the Bible Who Changed the World Through Prayer by T. D. Jakes

I love those words! They are the encouragement I need to not give up and to keep going with what God has for me! I hope they do the same for you today.
More Encouragement
For more encouragement on this topic, check out Jess Connolly’s book, You Are the Girl for the Job. I love this book. It will encourage you to step into what God has for you and not give up. And check out this song by Mandissa—”It’s Not Over.”