Each year, as we head into the new year, I am on the lookout for things we can do as a family to set ourselves up for the new year–setting goals, doing calendar planning for the year, looking back at what went well the year before, and more.
Gratitude Journals
This year, we created gratitude journals to use for the year and combined that with our word for the year. I was so happy with how it went, I’m doing it with our ladies at church as well. It was super simple and inexpensive…which is the best kind of craft! I love something that everybody can get involved in that’s colorful, meaningful, and fun. Gratitude journals fit the bill for that. We created ours on January 1st, but I think it’s something you can do any time of year. But January is a really great time to make one so you can use it all year. Here’s what we did.

Our Supplies
We bought craft notebooks from Amazon. Everybody got to pick their favorite. Next, each of us took the word of the year quiz. My word for the year is delight. Each of us wrote our word for the year on the front cover, and then we got to work decorating. We had a bunch of stickers we’d ordered from Amazon, lots of sharpies, and some pictures Matt printed off for us to use. I found actual gratitude stickers that I’ll be using for my ladies’ event when we make gratitude journals.

Journal Entries
Then, on the inside, we each wrote down three of the best things from last year. After that, each of us wrote down at least three goals for the year. Matt and I went a little further. We’re currently reading Jon Acuff’s book All It Takes is a Goal together. In his book, he teaches the concept of making a best moments list. You write down some of the best moments in your life up to this point, and then you use that list to help you take a good look at your life and be able to do more of what makes those best moments. (That’s the simplified version of it.) So we created a best moments list in our notebook as well. Matt added some more to the inside of his journal as well.
Now, we add an entry for each day that we have something to write down that we’re grateful for. I try to remind the kids every few days or so to add something.

At the end of the year, we will get to look back at our gratitude journals and see how God blessed throughout the year. Another fun take on this that I might still do is a blessings jar. Every time there’s a blessing or answered prayer, you write it down and drop it in the jar. At the end of year, you open the jar and read all the blessings. Such a fun idea, right? I love these kinds of ideas that bring our family together and help us focus on God’s goodness rather than all the negative around us.
What about you? What are you doing to get your new year kicked off right?
More Encouragement
For more like this, check out my post, 5 Great Products/Ideas to Start Your New Year Right.