Finding the Good Happening in Front of Our Eyes

My Trip to the Grocery Store

Finding the good in life right now seems difficult, but it can be done. So funny story for you… I went to my grocery store this week. When I got there, I had to wait in line. When it was finally my turn to go in, I needed to grab a shopping cart. The employee in charge of telling us when we could go into the store was standing directly in front of the carts. I looked inside the store and saw there were no carts except for the ones my buddy was standing in front of. So I moved towards the carts and asked, through my mask of course, “Can I grab one of these carts?” He literally jumped away from me and fell against a trash can to get away from me, like I had leprosy. Then he told me demeaningly, “Yes, but you’re supposed to stay six feet away.” I really wanted to just stand next to him and go, “BOO!”

I walked inside my store and saw that in addition to only letting a few people into the store at a time, they now have one-way aisles and security officers running the line for checkout. I think maybe it’s a little overkill, but that’s just me.

God’s Goodness

Things are so crazy right now, and if we’re not careful, we can find our place on the crazy train. We can get so focused on all the negativity around us and get discouraged and frustrated. We have to remember that God’s goodness endures continually, even in the midst of difficult times.

 Why boastest thou thyself in mischief, O mighty man? the goodness of God endureth continually. Psalm 52:1 KJV

Finding the Good

I’m reading The Brave Learner by Julie Bogart. I read a sentence in her book today that caught my attention. “It’s as if we’re designed to notice what’s missing rather than being delighted by all the good happening in front of our eyes.” I thought about this in reference to Coronavirus. This epidemic has caused even the most positive people to become discouraged and frustrated. So I spent a few minutes and made myself find the “good happening in front of my eyes.” Here’s what I came up with:

  1. We’ve had more family nights.
  2. I’ve had more time to write.
  3. My kids have spent more time playing together outside.
  4. We’ve been on the receiving end of generosity during this time.
  5. We’ve been able to give to others during this time.
  6. This time has brought us a renewed appreciation for our family and friends.

Just thinking through each of these put a smile on my face and gave me encouragement to keep pushing through.

two sisters hugging
Maggie and Macey
game night as a family
Family Game Night
girl with sunglasses playing game
Because playing with sunglasses is so much better!

Finding the Sweetness Worksheet

Take just a few minutes today to look for the good happening around you. It will encourage your heart just like it did mine. I have created a worksheet for you to be able to download to find the good right now in your own life. You can download that free worksheet HERE.

If this post was an encouragement to you, check out my post: Can You Really Find Hope in a Crisis?

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Hi friend, thanks for stopping by! I'm Amanda. I am a pastor's wife and a homeschooling mom who has a passion to encourage women to faithfully step every day into what God has for them.

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