Finding Momentum
Do you need momentum right now to get back up on your feet and keep going? Have you wanted to walk away from what it is you’re supposed to do?
So many of us get excited about what God wants us to do with our lives- our calling. We jump on board, throw ourselves in with everything we have, and get to work. Then reality hits.
We realize we don’t make enough money to cover the bills, we get sick, the people we are supposed to be helping turn their back on us, and people don’t approve of what we’re doing. We get discouraged, defeated, and want to give up.
Circumstances Don’t Dictate Your Calling
That was where Matt and I found ourselves seven years into our ministry. Nothing was working out like it was supposed to. The bottom dropped out financially, we didn’t see the results we were looking for, and it seemed like the best thing to do would be to throw in the towel and walk away. We found ourselves in a really horrible place. Did we walk away and shut the doors on our church because it wasn’t working out? We could have. No one would have faulted us. God taught us a really important lesson during that time.
“Circumstances do not dictate the direction of our life. Calling is the constant to pull us through the chaos.”
God taught us that just because our circumstances weren’t good didn’t mean we were done with the work He wanted us to do. God used that time to drive us to our knees. I’m not going to lie, it was a very difficult time. We spent about two years struggling with whether to stay or leave. God used that difficult time to strengthen our calling. When most people thought we should leave, God showed us that we were in the right place. God also used this time to push us towards the other part of what He had for us- writing.
Gaining Momentum by Clarifying Your Calling
We are much stronger in our calling today. We know we are where we are supposed to be, doing what God called us to do. First, we are to minister to people outside of Philadelphia through our church, to remind them that there is a God who loves them and is for them. Second, we are to write to encourage people to create a life they love. Find what God has for them and go after it with all their heart, and we will be there to encourage and help them from the sidelines with our books, journals, and devotionals. God has given us such clarity and peace for our calling. He used adversity to clarify our calling.
The clarity you need for your calling comes when you’ve been forged in the fire of adversity.
You Are Exactly Where You Need to Be
Maybe you are at a similar place in your life. You know what it is God wants you to do, but things are just not working out. Maybe you need to be encouraged with these words today.
You are exactly where you need to be right now, whether it feels good, makes sense, or causes despair. God is working your calling within you. He is molding and shaping you as a potter molds and shapes the clay on a potter’s wheel. (Jeremiah 18:4)
I would have given anything to hear those words when Matt and I were struggling. Now, we want to speak words of encouragement and life into others who are in the midst of their own struggle right now.
Momentum: The Simple Roadmap to Clarify Your Calling
That’s why Matt wrote Momentum: The Simple Roadmap to Clarify Your Calling. He writes about the four obstacles that keep us from pursuing and thriving in our calling. Matt and I are at complete peace now and love what we are doing. We would have missed out on the greatest joys we are experiencing now had we stepped away from what God wanted us to do.
You can chose the adventure you want to live- an adventure of stepping into your calling.
Momentum is close to both of our hearts. We want others to be able to find momentum in their lives as we have in ours. You can get a copy on Amazon today. It’s available in paperback and ebook.
From Matt: If you’re tired of struggling with the obstacles that stand in your way, you don’t have to wrestle anymore. After years of frustration, bad advice, and trying to find my fit, I discovered the four obstacles that stood in my way to clarify my calling. Don’t struggle like I did. Let this book be your guide to overcome the obstacles that keep you from stepping into your calling.
If you want to give it a try first, you can download the first chapter for free. Just click below.