My Top 10 Books from 2017

I read lots of great books last year. This is a list of my top ten favorites from the year.


1. The Harry Potter Series.

Book Title: Harry Potter

I am a little late to the party, but I picked up the first book in the Harry Potter series this year. Amidst all the craziness of people arguing whether or not to read them, I decided to read the first one to see what all the hype was about and to determine if I would let my kids read them.

It was crazy! I could not put the first book down. After reading the first book, I read the entire series in less than a month! I LOVED this series! Hands-down best fiction books I have ever read! Obviously, which is why they are so famous!


2. The Well-Trained Mind.

Book Title: The Well-Trained Mind

I knew I would love this book, I just didn’t get around to reading it right away. After reading it, I changed much of the way I do my homeschooling. I loved that this book is both informational and practical. It has lots of recommendations for books at the end of each section.

(This book had a dust jacket, but I hate dust jackets and usually take them off as soon as I get a book. So my apologies for the ugliness of the book.)

3. The Book Whisperer: Awakening the Inner Reader in Every Child

Book Title: The Book Whisperer

I read this book quickly. It’s super inspirational. Lots of stories and encouragement to develop a love for reading in children. Great read!


4. Falling Free: Rescued from the Life I Always Wanted.

I don’t have a picture of this book because I let someone borrow it. This was a fantastic read and a beautiful story that talks about the “messiness” of ministry. Shannan Martin tells her family’s story of giving up living on a beautiful farm in the country to move to the inner city to work in ministry.

5. Bread and Wine: A Love Letter to Life Around the Table with Recipes

Book Title: Bread and Wine

I love all Shauna Niequist books, and this one did not disappoint! It is chock full of stories about gathering around the table for nourishing food and fellowship, and of course, it has amazing mouth-watering recipes.

Disclaimer: I don’t drink wine, so I just skipped the parts about wine.

6. The Circle Maker: Praying Circles Around Your Biggest Decisions and Greatest Fears.

Book Title: The Circle Maker

I love Mark Batterson books. This one, so far, is my favorite. He teaches the concept of praying circles around your requests and watching God work in your life. It was so convicting and encouraging at the same time!

7. Nothing to Prove: Why We Can Stop Trying So Hard

Book Title: Nothing to Prove

This is a great book that came at a perfect time in my life. Jenni Allen is a great encouragement to remind us that we have nothing to prove to others or to ourselves.

(This book had a dust jacket, but I hate dust jackets and usually take them off as soon as I get a book. So my apologies for the ugliness of the book.)

8. Imagine Heaven: Near-Death Experiences, God’s Promises, and the Exhilarating Future That Awaits You.

Book Title: Imagine Heaven

This book changed my mind about everything I thought I knew about Heaven. I loved it and can not recommend it enough. The book is filled with stories of people who have had near-death experiences. People can agree or disagree, but I love that it gets us thinking about Heaven.

9. The Church of the Small Things: The Million Little Pieces that Make Up Life.

book title: Church of the Small Things

This book is just plain encouraging fun. It’s filled with stories that will have you reminiscing about days gone by, laughing hysterically at funny stories, and crying at tender moments. I loved that it was non-fiction but read like a fiction book.

10. The Magnolia Story.

Book Title: The Magnolia Story

Who doesn’t love Chip and Joanna Gaines? They are an amazing couple, and they produced an amazing book. You get the behind-the-scenes look at the life they created before they were famous. It’s a great read and full of encouragement and inspiration.

I am so excited about lots of new books to read this year! I have already read a few good ones so far! Happy Reading!!


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Hi friend, thanks for stopping by! I'm Amanda. I am a pastor's wife and a homeschooling mom who has a passion to encourage women to faithfully step every day into what God has for them.

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