I took this picture this week. This is a picture of my six-year-old (Maggie) helping her four-year-old sister (Macey) ride a bike. Every time I see this picture I smile. Why? Well, first of all, because they aren’t fighting… but that’s beside the point.
I smile because it reminds me that everybody needs somebody to come alongside them when life gets rough, and I think right now most of us could use somebody to do that for us.
The Perfect Recipe for Depression
This week, I want to come alongside the person who is struggling with depression and having a hard time making it through this time at home. For people who already struggle with being depressed, being stuck at home for weeks on end away from friends, family, church, work, etc. is a recipe for a disaster. Not all of us struggle with depression, but for some, this is a really serious thing.
I talked to two people this week who are struggling really badly with depression. My heart goes out to you. I get it because I’ve been there. You struggle just to get out of bed each day. Each day is a drudgery; you don’t feel like you can take another day at home. You can barely take care of yourself, let alone your family. Each night, you fall in bed exhausted, only to wake up feeling just as tired. You’ve lost your ability to smile and to see any good or feel any hope for the future.
Feeling the Shame of Depression
To make matters worse, because you can’t do more, you feel shame. You go to bed each night feeling ashamed. The shame of not being what you need to be for your family feels like it’s going to bury you. You know you should do better, but you wake up the next day feeling the same way. Your children push you over the edge, the house is a mess, your husband doesn’t understand, and that all piles up and just makes you feel more guilty. It’s a horrible cycle, and you don’t know how to break the cycle.
I want you to encourage you with this.
For he knows how weak we are; he remembers we are only dust. Psalm 103:14 (NLT)
God knows how weak we are. He knows you and how he created you. He knows what you struggle with and how hard this season of life is for you right now. Don’t shame yourself. That just makes matters worse. God remembers that we are weak. That’s why he comes alongside us and makes us strong.
And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. II Corinthians 12:9 (KJV)
Choose Not to Compare
You scroll through social media and see someone who, because of extra time at home, has cleaned and organized every drawer in their home and has a picture of the inside of their perfectly organized refrigerator and pantry. Meanwhile, you’re just trying to remember to take a shower and keep your kids alive. You don’t know that person’s circumstances; just like they don’t know yours. Don’t compare yourself. Paul reminds us not to compare ourselves to each other in Galatians.
That means we will not compare ourselves with each other as if one of us were better and another worse. We have far more interesting things to do with our lives. Each of us is an original. Galatians 5:26 (MSG)
Choose to Do These Two Things Each Day
If you can, choose to do just these two things each day. They could make a huge difference in your day.
- Get a shower and get dressed every morning. I’m not saying clean your house, make three home-made meals, make your bed, organize your kitchen… just get a shower and get dressed. Being clean and dressed for the day can make such a difference and help you feel better about yourself.
- Spend a few minutes praying and reading your Bible. For this season of life, keep it simple. Read at least three verses of something encouraging. My advice would be the Psalms. Psalms 16, 18, 23, 30, 46, 91, 100, and 118 are all good choices. Then spend just a few minutes praying and talking to God.
Breathing Life into Your Soul
If you want to do more than that, here are a few ideas. Choose something that breathes life into your soul.
- Take a walk. Get some fresh air and feel the sun. Just being outside can lift your spirit.
- Get out of the house. Go through the drive-through at Starbucks and get a coffee, or get a sandwich from somewhere. Give yourself a reason to get dressed and out of the house.
- Plan a vacation or a special day away for when the quarantine is lifted. Give yourself something to look forward to.
- Take a break from social media. You may need to totally remove yourself from the temptation of seeing what others are doing during this time.
- Listen to encouraging, uplifting music. This gets our focus off of ourselves and on to God. Music can really encourage your heart.
In seasons of difficulty, you do what you have to simply endure. Do what you need to get through this time. Life will get back to normal, eventually. You will make it through. Just take it a day at a time. Let God’s grace carry you through this season.
Free Bible Study
Matt and I have created a ten-day devotional called You Are Not Alone- Discovering the Presence of God in the Promises of God. You can download the free devotional HERE.

For more encouragement, read a post I wrote when I was struggling with being discouraged- Stay Faithful Because a New Season is Coming.
**If you are really struggling with severe depression, please reach out and get the help you need. There is no shame in that.**