Summer Reading Guide, 2022

It’s summer time, and that means it’s time for some extra reading and the summer reading guide.

Summer Break

I love summer break; it’s a chance for me to take a break from homeschooling. It’s also a time for trips to the beach, sitting by the pool, going on vacation, and just relaxing. If you’re like me, each one of those activities entails reading. Sometimes though, it’s hard to come up with books to read. I like having a list of good books to pull from when I’m ready to read. Book recommendations are so nice to have! So I pulled together twenty books that I’ve read and enjoyed to make a reading guide for this year.

Summer Reading Guide

Some of the books on the reading guide are books I read years ago, and some are books I read just this year. I had a hard time narrowing down the list to twenty books, but I finally did it. I can say that all of these books are worth the read!

All of the books on this guide are non-fiction. If you’re into fiction books, be sure to sign up to be on my email list for A. J. Manney Books. I’m sending out an email to my readers with a fiction reading guide.

Check out my Summer Reading Guide for 2022.

summer reading guide
  1. You Are the Girl for the Job by Jess Connelly 
  1. Kind is the New Classy by Candice Cameron Bure 
  1. Having a Martha Home the Mary Way by Sarah Mae 
  1. The Circle Maker by Mark Batterson 
  1. When Women Pray by T. D. Jakes 
  1. Bread and Wine by Shauna Niequist 
summer reading guide
  1. The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod 
  1. The Super Mom Myth by Becky Kopitzke 
  1. Am I Messing Up My Kids? by Lisa TerKuerst 
  1. We’ll Laugh About This Someday by Anna Lind Thomas 
  1. The Turquoise Table by Kristin Schell 
  1. Love Does by Bob Goff 
summer reading guide
  1. A Million Little Ways by Emily Freeman
  1. Get Out of that Pit by Beth Moore
  1. Money Making Mom by Crystal Paine
  1. Rhythms of Renewal by Rebekah Lyons
  1. Find Your People by Jennie Allen
  1. The Power of a Women’s Words by Sharon Jaynes
summer reading guide
  1. Unstuffed: Decluttering Your Home, Mind, and Soul by Ruth Soukup
  1. Kisses from Katie by Katie Davis Majors

Hopefully that gives you some ideas for books to read this summer!

Finding Deals on Books

Some of the cheapest places to find these books that I have found are and Hobby Lobby. Also, don’t discount your local library. You can request books from other libraries in your district. So even though your library may not carry the book, another library nearby just might. I get so many of the books I read by doing this. If all else fails, Barnes and Noble and Amazon should carry any of the books on this list.

Past Reading Guides

I guess I didn’t make reading guides during Covid, but here’s the list for 2019 and the list for 2018.

If you read any books from this list, let me know what you thought of them!

Happy Reading!

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Hi friend, thanks for stopping by! I'm Amanda. I am a pastor's wife and a homeschooling mom who has a passion to encourage women to faithfully step every day into what God has for them.

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