Tag Archives: believe

3 Ways to Turn Discouragement into Hope

We all go through times of discouragement. It can happen any time, but one of the times people get most discouraged is in the months of January and February. The sun isn’t out as much; it’s generally colder, depending on where you live. Especially for those of us in the North, it’s sort of a depressing time of year.

What do you do to combat that discouragement? How do you find hope? What do you when you feel defeated? Matt and I were having a discussion about this topic this week. The next few days in my morning time, God brought these verses and thoughts to mind that can help turn our discouragement into hope.

1. Believe.

My word for this year is believe. It sounds cliche or simple, but there is nothing cliche about believing, about taking God at his word. When life feels like it’s falling apart, and you don’t know what to do, turn to God. Choose once again to believe, to have faith that he can make good come from the bad and the ugly. Trust him to bring you through this time. Understand that he’s still at work.

You can read my full post about my word for the year, about believing, HERE.

2. Be Still.

One of the most well-known verses in the Bible is from Psalm 46:10, “Be still, and know that I am God!” There’s something about that verse, about those words. It brings a sense of peace and calm to our hearts, even in the midst of chaos and confusion.

When the Israelites stood on the opposite side of the Red Sea after crossing all night on dry ground, they turned back to see the Egyptian army coming after them in full force. Chariots riding hard, generals shouting commands, soldiers in gleaming armor, piercing weapons…it made quite a picture, a terrifying one. Yet, Moses tells the people to stand and watch.

I don’t know about you, but I don’t think I would have been able to stand and watch. I would have turned and ran in fear. But Moses tells them to stand still; see his words from Exodus 14.

But Moses told the people, “Don’t be afraid. Just stand still and watch the Lord rescue you today. The Egyptians you see today will never be seen again.”

Exodus 14:13

Those were powerful words coming from their leader. The Israelites obey; they stand still and watch. They watch as God releases the hold on the walls of water on either side of the Egyptian army, and those waters crash down, drowning the entire army. I can’t imagine the shock and silence that followed in those first few moments before they erupted in cheers and praise to God for saving them.

It seems so counterintuitive when you’re in danger, in a trial, in trouble, to be still. Yet, that’s what God wants from us sometimes. Sometimes, when we’ve done all we can do, we have to be silent and wait and watch God work.

3. Be Thankful.

The third thing to do is to find something to be thankful for. Sometimes, we have to just look at our day and find something to be thankful for. Then find something else. Maybe it’s simply to look at the sunrise and be thankful for another day. Maybe it’s to look at those closest to you and be thankful that you don’t have to go through life alone. Whether it’s one thing, or ten, choose to find something to be thankful for.

Jon Gordon says this, “It’s actually physiologically impossible to be stressed and thankful at the same time.”

The Psalmist wrote this in Psalm 50:

Make thankfulness your sacrifice to God, and keep the vows you made to the Most High.

Psalm 50:14

But giving thanks is a sacrifice that truly honors me.

Psalm 50:23

There’s something that happens when we choose to be thankful. Our minds are changed when we choose to be thankful, choose to find something to be grateful for. Why? Because at least for that little bit, our mind focuses on something that brings us joy. We focus on something that makes us content, and that draws our attention away from our problems. Gratitude has a way of lightening our load. It often helps us to remember that we don’t really have it that bad; there are others who have it so much worse.

If you find yourself struggling with discouragement today, with being hurt, feeling like God’s not pleased with you, then try one or all three of these things this week and see if it doesn’t turn your discouragement into hope.

More Encouragement

For more encouragement on this topic, check out my book, The Hidden Pain: When You Fear God is No Longer Blessing Your Life or check out my post, The Key to Unlocking Hope.

The Key to Unlocking Hope

I wrote last week about my word of the year—believe. If you missed that post and want to read why I chose that word, check out my post , My Word for the Year. The more I think about belief, the more I am beginning to see how belief and hope are tied to each other.

Abraham Held Tightly to His Hope

One of the greatest examples of hope in the Bible is the story of Abraham and Sarah. Romans 4 tells us that even when there was no reason to keep hoping, Abraham held onto his hope.

Even when there was no reason for hope, Abraham kept hoping—believing that he would become the father of many nations. For God had said to him, “That’s how many descendants you will have!” And Abraham’s faith did not weaken, even though, at about 100 years of age, he figured his body was as good as dead—and so was Sarah’s womb.

Romans 4:18,19 NLT

Abraham knew how old he was, and he knew how old Sarah was. He had every reason to give up hope that they would have a baby, but he stubbornly clung to hope.

How? How did he not lose hope? And how do we get that same kind of hope, a hope that doesn’t give up no matter what?

The Key to Unlocking Hope

The key to unlocking hope is belief. Abraham believed when there was no reason to; he kept hoping when it was long past time to give up hoping.

If you’re still alive, then it’s too soon to give up. If your heart is still beating in your chest, then there is still hope. There is still hope for your marriage. There’s still hope for your finances, for your unsaved loved ones, for your wayward child, for your health, for that impossible situation. Whatever it is, it’s not too late. There’s still time for God to work. The key is to believe that God can do whatever it is you’re asking him to do, and trusting that he will do it.

Don’t Give Up

Maybe you just need to be reminded today to stay in the fight. Don’t give up. Get back out there. Keep believing. Keep hoping. Wait with anticipation for God to work and to come through for you.

I can tell you this. If you stop believing, then it won’t come to pass. God cares too much about your faith. Faith is everything to him.

And it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to him must believe that God exists and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him.

Hebrews 11:6 NLT

If You’ve Lost Your Hope

If you’ve lost your hope, here’s what you have to do. Go back to when it was that you stopped believing—when you stopped believing in God’s goodness, trusting God to come through for you. Go back to when God let you down. Start there. Have a painful conversation with God; write down your thoughts and pray them to your Father. You’re not going to hurt his feelings; he can handle it. Be honest. Tell him everything you are thinking and feeling.

Then, ask God to help you start believing again; that’s on him. The next part is on you. Now you have to choose to start believing again. It’s going to take some work at first. Just like strengthening any muscle that’s weak, it will take time. But if you keep doing it, if you keep exercising faith, you will find hope begin to bloom inside of you once again.

Here’s my prayer for you…

I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Romans 15:13 NLT

For More Encouragement

If you enjoyed this post, consider sending it to someone else to encourage them. For more encouragement, check out The One Guarantee if You Quit.

A great book to read about increasing your faith through prayer is Mark Batterson’s The Circle Maker: Praying Circles Around Your Biggest Dreams and Greatest Fears. I highly recommend it!

My Word for the Year

I can’t believe it’s January of a new year. Where did the time go?

A Look Back

Every year, Matt and I spend some time in December reflecting on the year. We write down all the good that happened. I’m always amazed at God’s goodness when we wrap up the year. 2022 was no different. We can see God’s hand and faithfulness all over our family this year.

After we finish processing the year, we move on to the new year. We write down our goals for the new year, what we want to accomplish, things we want to change, dreams we want to go after, and more.

My Word for the Year

Then, we choose a word to focus on for the year. Last year, at the beginning of the year, I chose the word fulfilled. I wanted to remember all year long that God was enough, and that I have all I need. My verse for the year was psalm 23:1.

The Lord is my shepherd; I have all that I need.

Psalm 23:1

The word I chose for this year is believe. It’s a pretty common word. In fact, I saw it on so many Christmas T-shirts this year. The simple fact is I want to increase my faith; I want to take Jesus at his word. No more doubting, second guessing, stutter stepping, questioning…I want to believe. Like the disciples, I want to say, God, increase my faith. 

Choosing to Take God at His Word

The older I get and the more I grow in my faith, I realize how weak my faith is at times. As a child and then into my teen years and college years, I had no problems with faith. I had more faith than the next person, or at least I thought I did. But as I’ve gotten older, I’ve realized how much I don’t believe—how much I doubt. 

This year, I am choosing to take God at his word. I am going to choose to believe that God will come through for me this time, just like he did last time. I will believe that God loves me, and I can rest in that love. It has nothing to do with whether I deserve it or not. I am choosing to believe that God will be enough when I fall short in my kids’ lives. I’m choosing to believe God is not done working in my life; and that he is going to use me in this new year, in spite of my failures. I will believe that I am doing the work he wants me to do, and that he will strengthen me and guide me in that work. I have some personal things I am choosing to believe God for this year as well.


It’s a simple word, but it’s power? Not quite so simple. The word believe is tied to faith, and faith can move mountains. I’m excited to see what mountains are going to move this year! Want to join me on the journey? 

That’s my word for this year. 

What’s yours? 

For More Encouragement 

If you want to find a word for the year but need help finding one, check out Day Spring. That’s how I found my word for 2022. You can also read my post, The No-Stress Way to Find Your Word for the Year.
Also, if you want to start January strong with a morning time routine, check out my morning time routine training videos. And be sure to visit Manney Resources. We have everything you need to get started—journals, devotionals, books, etc.