January Days
January is upon us. I have a love/hate relationship with January. I love it because it’s the best time of year for snuggling under a warm blanket and reading. It’s the perfect time of year to light extra candles, read aloud to the kids, and experience quiet, peaceful evenings. Those are the positives.
But then there are also the negatives. The days are short; it’s dark before it’s even time for dinner. The sun doesn’t shine for days on end. The days drag by, and spring feels a world away.
Struggling with Depression
If you’re anything like me, you may struggle in the winter season. I so want to enjoy the winter season, and I do. But when there are too many sunless, dreary days…too many cold, dark days…sometimes it feels like too much. A lot of people struggle this time of year. Those of us who are prone to depression usually find it hardest to fight during these months before spring comes.
What does God say about our depression? What do we do when we feel discouraged, weak, and feel like we can’t go on?
Paul reminds us in Colossians that Jesus saved us and rescued us from darkness, so that we could live in the light.
…always thanking the Father. He has enabled you to share in the inheritance that belongs to his people, who live in the light. For he has rescued us from the kingdom of darkness and transferred us into the Kingdom of his dear Son, who purchased our freedom and forgave our sins.
Colossians 1:12-14 NLT
Through Jesus, we can live in this world of light. The darkness does not have to define us; it doesn’t have to control us.
Deep Rest
I watched a clip from Jim Carrey about depression. Matt had seen it and thought I’d appreciate it. I won’t link to it because he swears in the video, but in this video, he points out the difference between sadness and depression. He explains that sadness is a result of something that happens; whereas depression is your body’s way of crying out–“I don’t want to be this way anymore. I don’t want to be this person or persona I’ve created.”
He goes on to describe being depressed as: deep rest. He says our bodies need deep rest. I would go even further and say that sometimes our souls need deep rest. I know for myself that when I’ve had long stretches of going and going and not getting enough sleep, my spirit gets to a dark place and inevitably, discouragement and depression will find me. When that happens, I know I need a time of healing for my body, a time of rest.
Examples from the Bible
David understood the concept of soul rest. In a chapter where he talks about his anxiety, he says these words:
Let my soul be at rest again, for the Lord has been good to me.
Psalm 116:7 NLT
David understood that his soul needed to find a place of rest, and he could find that by focusing on God’s goodness to him. That would help to ease the anxiety.
Jesus told us how we could have rest for our souls in the book of Matthew. He taught us to let go of our own burdens and carry the load he has for us because he will carry the load with us; and then we will find rest for our souls.
Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls.
Matthew 11:29
When we get a place where we can’t find God’s goodness in our lives, it’s time for some soul rest and some physical rest.
How do you find deep rest for your soul?
Here are five ways to find deep rest for your soul.
1. Take a break from social media and the news.
I believe so many people are so stressed and anxious all the time because of a steady stream of news and social media. Watching the news ramps up our anxiety and makes us fearful, because the news covers everything bad that’s happening. And social media makes us feel like not enough, overwhelmed, and overstimulated. Taking a break from all of those outlets can give our minds a break and even a chance to heal.
2. Get actual sleep.
Give yourself the sleep you need. Take a nap. Go to bed earlier. Find a way to get the sleep your body needs to heal. As moms, we tend to burn ourselves out because we have so much going on. The kindest thing we can do to ourselves and our bodies is to get sleep.
3. Cut something stressful from your schedule.
So many of us are running around frantically from one thing to the next. This frantic pace leaves no room for our souls to rest, and eventually anxiety, fear, and stress take a toll on us and on our bodies. Find a way to cut something out of your schedule to give you one more night at home, one more free day in your week, a free weekend. With margin in our schedules, we can find time for that extra rest.
4. Find time for quiet in your life.
This is the kind of quiet when the tv is not on, nobody in the family is on screens, and there’s just quiet peaceful music playing. I know it’s hard to find that time, but this kind of quiet is so good for our souls.
5. Get out in quiet nature.
Getting outside can be one of the best things we can do for our souls. Even in the cold, it’s possible. Get outside for even just a ten minute walk. The sun does wonders for our bodies. Even walking outside in the stillness of the falling snow can be good for our souls. The fresh air works wonders and helps clear our frantic minds.
Looking at a list like this can overwhelm us and make us even more stressed. So just pick one. Look through the list and find the easiest one for you and do it this week.
*If you struggle with more than just a little depression, please seek medical help. Depression is nothing to mess around with, and there is nothing wrong with getting extra help if you need it.
More Encouragement
For more encouragement, check out my post Encouragement for the Weary Soul. If you find yourself in a place of doubt and feel like your faith is wavering, my book, The Hidden Pain will provide encouragement.