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My Love of Books
As an author myself, books are one of my favorite things in the world. So I love reading and sharing book recommendations.
I woke up this morning dragging. Ever have one of those days? You get up early because you know you have a lot to accomplish, but you just can’t seem to get yourself moving. I felt that way this morning.
After making a cup of coffee, I sat down at the table, lit my candle, and started my morning time routine. As a part of my morning time routine each day, I read a chapter or a few pages of whatever book I am currently reading. Right now, it’s Get Out of Your Head by Jennie Allen. I read more than I usually do because I am trying to finish the book before March starts. By the time I finished reading, I had a smile on my face and encouragement in my heart. Why? Because reading puts us in somebody else’s shoes for a little bit. We get to sit back and hear somebody else’s story or struggles and witness their victory and then feel encouraged in our own lives without having to do anything.
I am a huge advocate of getting up each morning and spending time reading God’s Word and praying. I write often about developing a morning time routine because I believe it is so important. Right behind that is the importance of reading uplifting Christian books. There have been so many times in my life that God has used a book from a woman I have never met and will probably never meet to encourage my heart and help keep me from giving up.
The Encouragement Books Bring
So many women have encouraged my heart, strengthened my faith, made me laugh, made me cry, caused me to see life differently, challenged me to take the next step, and more. I wrote in my book, The Hidden Pain, that some of the authors I was reading became mentors for me. They were the reason I started blogging and writing my own books.
I believe God can use books in a powerful way in our lives. I believe that because I’ve seen it happen. When Matt and I get discouraged, we will often go to Barnes and Noble and buy a book or two. In fact, we just went there last night for our date night, and we each bought a book. Books have played a huge role in who we are, what we believe about God and life around us, the work we do, and our overall spiritual health and encouragement.
So what are some good books to read? I have a list of some of my favorite books on my site. You can find that list here. Below are seven books I have recently read, am reading, or planning on reading soon.
7 Book Recommendations

This book is by Maria Goff, wife of popular author Bob Goff. Side note— if you haven’t read any of his books, you should. They are some of my favorite books, especially Love Does. This book tells a little more behind the scenes into their family life. It was an encouraging, uplifting book that reminded me that in the end, it’s family that you come back to time and time again.
2. Have More Fun: How to Be Remarkable, Stop Feeling Stuck, and Start Enjoying Life

Mandy Arioto is the President and CEO of Mops International. I really enjoyed this book. It’s lighthearted and fun, just as you would expect it to be from the cover. It’s a quick read and one that just makes you smile or even laugh out loud, like I did several times.
3. Get Out of Your Head: Stopping the Spiral of Toxic Thoughts

This book was not what I expected at all, having read some of Jennie’s other books. She did a lot of research for this book, and you can tell. The first few chapters pulled me in quickly. I am really loving this book. So much so, I am considering doing it for a ladies online book study for our church. I feel like the truths she is uncovering are so prevalent for women today. Each woman needs to read this book and learn that we can find victory in our thoughts and don’t have to live a life of spiraling defeat.
4. You Are the Girl for the Job: Daring to Believe the God Who Calls You

This book is such an encouragement for any woman who feels like God is calling her to step out and do something. I loved this book. As a person with an entrepreneurial heart, this book was inspiring and just what I needed.
5. When Women Pray: 10 Women of the Bible Who Changed the World Through Prayer

I just picked this book up last night at Barnes and Noble and can’t wait to start it next week. I love T. D. Jakes. His book, Soar: Build Your Vision from the Ground Up is one of my favorites. When I saw that he just released this book last year and it’s for women, I snatched it off the shelf. I am so excited to read it.

Matt got me this book for Christmas. I’ve heard of Kat Armstrong but haven’t read any of her books yet, so I’m excited to try this one. From the back of the book… Kat debunks five common myths about women and invites us to discover the joy and freedom in being all in for Jesus.
7. All My Friends Have Issues: Building Remarkable Relationships with Imperfect People (Like Me)

Matt also got me this book for Christmas. I haven’t ever read anything by this author before, but I love trying new authors. I also like the topic of this book. As someone who struggles to build good friendships, I know this book will be good for me.
If you feel discouraged right now or just need some new life breathed into you, I encourage you to try one or more of these books.