Tag Archives: Eugene Peterson

6 Ways to Build Your Faith Today

book about faith

For my birthday, Matt got me a book I’ve been wanting for a little while–A Long Obedience in the Same Direction: Discipleship in an Instant Society by Eugene Peterson. Eugene Peterson is the author of The Message version of the Bible; he was a pastor and a theologian that passed away in 2018. I’ve been reading through it just a few pages at time. His books aren’t something you read quickly; there’s a lot there to take in. You have to kind of work through it. But I’m enjoying it; I like the change-up from what I’ve been reading recently.

The thing I love and respect the most about Eugene Peterson was the humble life he lived. Here’s a man that translated the entire Bible into common language because he wanted his church congregation to love the Bible and understand it. He had a deep understanding of Greek and Hebrew and used it to give us the Bible in a way we could easily understand and apply. There are so many good things about this book I’m reading, but one of the things that has stuck with me is his understanding of faith and the faith journey.

When Hard Times Come

I had a conversation with a friend recently, and they said verbatim, “I thought the Christian life would be easier than this.” So many of us love God and want to grow in our faith. Yet, as soon as hard times come, we’re ready to jump ship. We get mad at God, and we blame him for everything wrong in our lives. We quit going to church; we quit believing in his goodness and faithfulness.

And yet, the Bible warns us time and time again that this life will be difficult. Eugene Peterson puts it this way.

No literature is more realistic and honest in facing the harsh facts of life than the Bible. At no time is there the faintest suggestion that the life of faith exempt us from difficulties…On every page of the Bible there is recognition that faith encounters troubles.

More Than We Can Handle

And yet, God reminds us that he won’t give us anything we can’t handle. He doesn’t promise the lack of problems; He simply promises his presence.

No test or temptation that comes your way is beyond the course of what others have had to face. All you need to remember is that God will never let you down; he’ll never let you be pushed past your limit; he’ll always be there to help you come through it.

I Corinthians 10:13 MSG

The Only Mistake We Can Make

Eugene Peterson goes on to say that “the only mistake we can make when trials come is to assume that God’s interest in us waxes and wanes in response to our spiritual temperature.” It’s that thing we do when things aren’t going well for us. We believe God doesn’t love us or is being hard on us because he’s angry with us. Or worse, we believe he doesn’t truly care about us.

But the fact of the matter is that this life of faith isn’t a giant what if? It’s not an I hope. From the book I’m reading, he says this about faith.

Faith is the solid, massive, secure experience of God, who keeps all evil from getting inside us, who guards our life, who guards us when we leave and when we return, who guards us now, who guards us always.

How’s Your Faith?

How’s your faith today? On a scale of 1-10, how are you doing?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

One: I don’t have any faith. Ten: My faith has never been stronger!

It’s funny; I used to think I was a solid ten. And then life hit. Now, even on my best days, I think I may be at a seven or eight. On my worst days, I was down near a two or three. Our numbers may fluctuate, and that’s okay. As long as we stay on this journey and don’t quit, that’s okay. It’s okay to hit a two or three once in a while; just don’t stay there.

6 Ways to Build Your Faith Today

If you’re below a five today on the scale, that’s okay. But don’t stay there. Continue to grow your faith. Pick one of the things from the list below and start there.

  1. Listen to worship music.
  2. Spend time with God every day through a morning time routine.
  3. Get out in nature, even if it’s for just a few minutes.
  4. Spend a few minutes writing down what you’re grateful to God for.
  5. Get plugged in to a good, local church.
  6. Read a Christian inspirational and encouraging book

This life of faith is a daily journey, so choose today to grow your faith. Refuse to be the person you were yesterday.

More Encouragement

For more like this, check out my book, The Hidden Pain: When You Fear God is No Longer Blessing Your Life.