Tag Archives: Family

Memories are Made from Moments

I was reminded yesterday that it’s the moments that make up our memories. Yesterday, we took a field trip to a science factory for school. As a part of the day, we also stopped at a park because the weather was so nice. I had the kids do a writing assignment while we were there. While I was doing the assignment with the kids, Matt snapped a picture and sent me a text saying, “This right here is why we do what we do.” He also sent me some thoughts, some of what I’m sharing in this email. 

So often, we get so busy. Life comes flying at us from all directions. I find myself with a to-do list every day that’s daunting, and I find myself constantly saying to my kids, “I’m busy right now; I can’t do that right now. We can do that later, another day.” I tell myself it will be better after I finish this project or this deadline, but that’s not necessarily true. Because after that deadline, there will be another one and another one.

Yet, for all my busyness, life doesn’t slow down. My kids aren’t getting any younger; I’m not getting any younger. If we’re not careful, life will pass us by in the blink of an eye. We can either let it pass us by, or we can choose to grab ahold of it, force it to slow down for us.

How do you slow time?

For me, slowing down time is accomplished by simply spending time with the people I love and creating memories with them. We measure life in moments. Those moments add up to be memories, and we treasure those memories. Those moments create the memories we will tell for decades to come. If we miss those moments, we can never get them back. 

How do you create memories?

How do we create those moments so we can be assured of memories later on? This is something I constantly struggle with. Matt is much better at it than I am; this is a constant struggle for me because my mind is always busy. Left to my own choosing, I will always choose to work. So I have to remind myself of these principles:

  1. Be present. When it’s time to do something with those you love, choose to simply be present. For me with my kids, I have to choose to do the activity with them, paint the picture, throw the football, chase them through the field, laugh with them, etc. 
  2. Create moments. There won’t ever be any special moments that will turn into memories if we don’t intentionally schedule time into our calendar. Plan for special days—trips to the park, day trips to special places, picnics, read-alouds, craft and art projects, cook-outs with friends, special dinners, coffee dates, etc.
  3. Take pictures. Pictures will be my memory of this day when I forget. Pictures will remind me that this day was special and worth it. 

How do you make it work?

Maybe you, like me, struggle with this concept. Maybe you find it hard to take a break, to cut loose when there is so much to do. I hear you. Here’s a quick assignment. Answer these two questions:

What are the things I can do anytime?

What are the things I can only do in this time? 

If we’re honest with ourselves, answering those two questions will remind us of what’s important right now. If you’re in the midst of the child-rearing years, remind yourself of this principle:

The days are long, but the years are short.

Choose to be Intentional

Too soon, our kids will be gone from our homes, moving on with their lives. We have to choose to be intentional about our time with them. This applies to anybody in any life stage. Maybe you don’t have kids, but this still applies to your friendships and relationships. We only get one shot at this life; let’s make it count.

Remember this: The moments we spend today will be memories we reminisce or missteps we will forever regret.

More Encouragement

A great book on this topic is Hands-Free Mama by Rachel Macy Stafford. I really felt convicted reading this book but also inspired and encouraged. You can also check out my post My Reminder from a Heart in the Sand.

My Reminder This Week to Hold My Loved Ones Close

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I had a painful reminder this week about holding your loved ones close because you never know how long you will have them. A friend of mine from high school passed away this week after a long fight with heart problems he was born with.

Gordon and His wife Charlotte

I remember in high school, Gordon always tried to be as involved in sports as he could be, even though he couldn’t do a lot because of his condition. Even with health problems, Gordon had the best zest for life. He always had a big smile and a hearty laugh.
He went on to to get married and have four children. His health started declining, and he ended up being hospitalized several times, almost dying before he was finally able to get a heart transplant. Everybody thought he would finally be okay, but God had a different plan. He fought long and hard, but in the end, God took him home to Heaven.

Loved ones
Their sweet family

Why is it that some people just seem to breeze through life, and other people suffer so much? I don’t think I’ll ever know the answer to that question until I get to Heaven. Have you ever noticed that usually, those people who endure so much in this life are the ones with the biggest smile and the biggest heart for people? It’s like God gave them extra grace and extra fullness of life because He knew they wouldn’t have as long on this earth. That’s how Gordon was, and that’s how my friend Rachel, who passed away two years ago, was.

loved ones

Gaining Perspective

Sometimes it takes losses like these to remember how blessed I truly am. When we lose someone far too soon, it causes each of us to sit back and reflect on life. It gives us perspective. Perspective is an amazing thing. It helps bring clarity into our lives and shows us what’s really important.

Perspective reminds us that this life is temporary. For some, it’s over way too fast. That’s a sobering reality. We can live our lives in fear of the unknown or we can celebrate each and every day as a gift.

That’s what I’m trying to do this week. I can’t take away the heartbreak from this young mama and her precious children, nor for the rest of Gordon’s dear family- his parents, his brothers and sisters, nieces and nephews

Hold Your Loved Ones Close

What I can do is hold my loved ones close today. I can choose to be present with the people I do life with. I can spend each day that I have soaking in life and being so grateful for all that God has given me.

We don’t know how long we have in this life. Each day is a gift. So, choose to celebrate it. Thank God for it. This is my challenge: I want to choose to live every day as if it were my last, to love my family today as if it were the last day I had with them.

A book to read along this same vein is The Hardest Peace: Expecting Grace in the Midst of Life’s Hard by Kara Tippetts. I’m not going to lie, it’s a hard book to read. But I can’t recommend it enough. Just keep the tissues handy.

Black Friday Traditions

My Favorite Day of the Year

I think over the years that Black Friday has become my favorite day of the year. I like it even better than Christmas. Every year, we get up and make a nice breakfast. Then we drag the tree and Christmas boxes up from the basement. We put on our favorite Christmas movies like Elf, Noelle (Disney), The Grinch (the one with Benedict Cumberbatch as the voice of the Grinch), Christmas Chronicles (Netflix), and more. We spend the day watching movies while we decorate both the inside of the house and the outside.

We make fun treats like Christmas bread and Christmas cookies and homemade Chex mix, inspired by Pioneer Woman. Matt has perfected this recipe over the year by making it gluten-free and tweaking some of the spices, like adding extra Worcestershire. It’s soo good, and it makes the entire house smell amazing.

Early Black Friday Shopping

Mom and daughter ready for Black Friday shopping
Maddie and I early this morning

We usually stay home every year on Black Friday, but my daughter Madison has been begging me for weeks to take her shopping on Black Friday so she can use her money to get Christmas presents for the family. So I caved and took her out early this morning. We had a good time together. She got all her Christmas shopping done; then we got home to make breakfast and get started decorating.

Helping decorate the tree

Keeping Traditions

There’s something about traditions, about doing the same thing each year. It’s predictable and something to look forward to. Sometimes the best traditions don’t cost anything; they’re simply about being together with the people you love. It’s about being purposeful and sticking to the tradition, even when you don’t feel like it.

Whatever your traditions are for the holidays, don’t give up on them this year just because everything is different and more difficult. In a year when everything is topsy- turvy, sticking with your traditions can help bring a sense of familiarity and comfort to you and your family.

If this post encouraged you, check out God’s Gifts at Christmas.

Enjoy the Stage of Life You’re In

This post contains affiliate links. Read my full disclosure HERE.

Picture of mom and daughter
Macey and me

We just recently got Madison a new bed, so we could get Macey out of her toddler bed and into the bunk beds with Maggie. I took a picture of the toddler bed and sent it to my friend to see if she wanted it. After I took the photo, I looked at it for a few minutes. It kind of made me sad. The bed was the last of our baby and toddler stuff. We had already gotten rid of the crib from when the kids were babies. I can’t believe how fast time has flown. It made me think about what I would tell the younger version of me, the one so stressed trying to keep everything together with four little ones under foot.

toddler bed
Macey’s toddler bed

Dear Weary Mom,

If I could give advice to the younger version of me, I would tell her to relax. The time is coming when I will have a perfect house. The furniture won’t have stains on it, the mirror won’t have handprints on it, there won’t be spilled juice on the floor making it sticky, there won’t be toys everywhere. There’s coming a time when I won’t have to pick up my house twenty-four seven. In the blink of an eye, I know this time will have passed.  

Our oldest is already pushing eleven years old. We have seven more years with him. After that, I don’t know what God has for him. I know that I left my home at eighteen, went to college, married right after college, and moved away. Too soon, our home will be empty. I know without a shadow of a doubt that I will wish for toys on the floor. I will look longingly at my mirror and remember the handprints that used to line it.  

Mom and son
Malachi and me

I will look back at the craziness and the chaos and miss it. I will wish that our house was loud and messy once more. Even now, I miss the baby stage. Though I don’t miss late-night nursing sessions, carrying a heavy diaper bag everywhere I go, and cleaning up diaper explosions, I do miss the snuggles of a baby. If I could go back and do it all over again, I would choose to spend less time trying endlessly to get the house clean. I would choose more time rocking my baby, snuggling with my toddlers, and playing hide and seek with my preschoolers.  

Enjoy this Stage of Life with Littles

The thing is, that exhaustion that plagues you every moment of the day with littles will pass. You will get past this stage. Life will get easier. Those babies will grow up. They will be able to help as they get older.  

For now, soak in those baby cuddles. Embrace the time with your littles. Spend time doing the things you can do now that you can’t do once they go to school. You have five years with your first child before they go to school. Once they go to school, things really change. It’s really hard to let them go. That’s one of the reasons we love homeschooling so much. We don’t have to let them go. I get to take an active role in their education. I don’t have to send them away every day, and I love that. 

The Days are Long, but the Years are Short

The best phrase I have heard when dealing with littles is this: “The days are long, but the years are short.” It’s so true. The days were and still are at times so very long. Yet in the blink of an eye, the years have passed. I can’t believe our oldest is almost a teenager. It seems like just yesterday we brought him home from the hospital. The years have flown by. All too soon, he is going to be leaving us. God has great things in store for each of our kids, and I am excited to see what they are. But I know it’s going to be hard to let them go. So, I am going to spend the time now, while they are still in my care enjoying every minute of my time with them. I’m saying this as a reminder and challenge as much to myself as I am saying it to you.  

Choose to Make the Most of Whichever Stage of Life You Are In

Malachi, Madison, me, Maggie, Macey

Whatever stage of life you are in, soak it in. Enjoy it. Too often, we want to just jump to the next stage of life. Choose to love the stage of life you’re in right now and all that goes with it. There is joy in each and every stage, but we will miss it if we have our eyes focused on the next stage.

If you’re single, enjoy this time. Do things you can’t do when you’re married. Travel, experience life, have fun and soak in this time. If you’re married but don’t have kids yet, enjoy the time with your spouse. Take trips together, go on dates often, visit extended family, plan game nights with friends. If you have kids in your home, plan family days and spontaneous trips, read aloud to them, explore new places, and make family memories. If your kids are grown and out of the house, do the things you always wanted to do but couldn’t because of the kids. Write a book, start a business, create the products you always wanted to, learn a new skill, spend time reading or drawing, or whatever brings your heart fulfillment.

We can be sad about leaving a particular phase of life or we can choose to find joy in the stage of life we are in and thrive.

More on This Topic

If you enjoyed this post, another post you might enjoy is My Reminder from a Heart in the Sand. My book recommendation would be The SuperMom Myth by Becky Koptizke. It’s one of my favorite “mom” books. I loved it and marked mine all up.

Family, Quarantine, and House Projects

These last two months at home have been such a good reminder for me that family is so important, and I need to constantly work on my relationships with each of my kids and my husband. I can’t imagine how horrible it would be right now to be quarantined with people I can’t stand.

The sad thing is, we’re often hardest on those closest to us, usually the people we call family. I know that I tend to be hard on my kids. Sometimes I get into a repeat cycle of noticing all the things they do wrong and forget to notice the good things. Then my kids do something that completely takes me by surprise. That happened to me this week.

Projects Outside

We needed to get cement work done on the sidewalk in front of our house. We had put it off for a while because we really didn’t want to mess with it, but we finally decided it was time to get the work done. So on Thursday, Matt’s brother, who works in construction, came over for the day to help us.

We spent Thursday morning tearing up the sidewalk, digging out dirt, putting in rocks, and eventually pouring cement. Because we were on a roll, we decided to tackle the other projects we had been putting off. So we also stained the back deck and began working on leveling the ground in our backyard so we can eventually get a pool. Cue my happy dance!

Our newly paved sidewalk

Endless Hours of Work

All that cumulated in hours of hard work digging and transporting wheelbarrows full of dirt, rock, and concrete. We pushed hard all day. I couldn’t believe how hard my kids worked. Every time I stopped and looked around, all four of them were working hard. We worked from eight in the morning to eight at night.

At one point, I was too tired and sore to keep working. I had almost finished the deck but just couldn’t do any more. There was one big patch left that needed to be done. I took a break and went inside to grab some water and sit down for a few minutes. Then I headed back outside to help. I couldn’t face the deck, so I went out front of the house to help with transporting wheelbarrows of dirt. When I came to the backyard again a little while later, I was completely shocked to see my two little girls had finished the deck by themselves! I couldn’t believe it!

Our freshly stained deck

Remembering What Matters Most

Sometimes I am so hard on my kids that I forget, they really are good kids. I am really blessed to be their mom. Are they perfect? No. Do they drive me crazy sometimes? Yes. Do they fight and bicker constantly? Yes. They’re not perfect, but neither am I.

Hard at work digging out the dirt

Working together as a family reminded me again that when it comes down to it, family is what really matters. It’s family that you are going to come back to time and time again. We spend more time with our families than with anybody else in the world. It would make sense that we would invest more in those relationships than we do into any other relationship. Sadly, it’s usually just the opposite. We most often take out our frustration on those closest to us.

It takes sacrifice and an enormous amount of love and patience to continually be kind and loving to those who live with us. But when we do, the payoff is huge. What’s the payoff? Stability, security, a sense of belonging, love, peace, and a sense that everything is going to be okay. It’s everything we want our home to be filled with.

Family movie night

Hands-Free Mama

A great book that deals with this subject is Hands-Free Mama by Rachel Macy Stafford. I read it a few years ago. She teaches soul-to-soul connection with your children. It’s an inspiring and uplifting read that challenged me in this area of paying more attention to my children.

If you want more encouragement on this topic, read Finding the Good Happening in Front of Our Eyes.

Choosing to Spend Time Doing What Matters Most

kids playing in the leaves

Our kids playing in the leaves

Beautiful Fall Days

It’s fall! That means beautiful days, trees bursting with color, pumpkin lattes, apple picking at the orchard, apple cider donuts, and all the wonderful things fall brings.

Last week, we were crazy busy. I had more to accomplish on my to-do list each day than I could possibly accomplish. But as I looked out the window, I saw it was an incredibly gorgeous fall day. The sun hadn’t been out in days, but now it was shining and the trees were full of color.

I looked at my phone and saw that we weren’t going to have another sunny day for over a week. I started wondering if we should cancel our plans for the day and go outdoors and enjoy the great fall day God created.

Wisdom from My Morning Time

I was undecided until I had my morning time. I read in Ecclesiastes a few verses that encouraged my heart.

And also that every man should eat and drink, and enjoy the good of all his labour, it is the gift of God. Ecclesiastes 3:13

Live joyfully with the wife whom thou lovest all the days of the life of thy vanity, which he hath given thee under the sun, all the days of thy vanity: for that is thy portion in this life, and in thy labour which thou takest under the sun. Ecclesisastes 9:9

For all this I considered in my heart even to declare all this, that the righteous, and the wise, and their works, are in the hand of God: Ecclesiastes 9:1

3 Lessons from Solomon

1. The gift of God is working hard and enjoying the fruits of our labor. What’s the point in working hard every day if you never take a day off? What’s the point of earning money if we can’t spend it doing something together as a family?

2. My spouse and children are gifts from God to be enjoyed in this life. I have to choose to spend time with them while I still can. We are not promised tomorrow, and our children won’t be with us forever. In the blink of an eye, they will be out of our home and on their own. We have to make conscious decisions to spend time putting into them, noticing them, and having fun with them while we can.

3. Our lives are in God’s hand. Our jobs, our pay, our careers, everything we work so hard for is in God’s hand. Taking a day off isn’t going to change that.

Choosing to Spend Time Doing What Really Matters

So, what did we do? We packed the kids in the van and drove an hour and a half away to beautiful Lancaster, PA. We went to our favorite orchard and bought pink lady apples, we discovered a new park surrounded by the most gorgeous fall trees, and we found some leaves to play in. But mostly, we simply enjoyed spending time together as a family.

Sometimes we need to step away from work, take a break from the never-ending to-do list, and just choose to spend time together. We will never regret the time we spend together as a family!

Don’t Let this Thanksgiving Pass You By + Free Printables

The Busyness of the Holiday

Thanksgiving comes each year, and with it comes the crazy busyness of the holiday. The grocery shopping and last-minute runs to the store for all the things we forgot, the cooking and baking, the decorating, the entertaining, and all the special things that make Thanksgiving the holiday it is. We get so busy that often the day passes by without us ever getting a chance to thank the One who has made it all possible. It’s hard to take the time to make that happen.

Making the Time

I get it. I really do. I am hosting two separate Thanksgivings this year. One on Wednesday night and another one on Thanksgiving day, and we are heading to a third one on Thanksgiving night. It’s crazy! But somewhere in the midst of all that, I have to set aside time to thank God for my blessings. So Thursday morning, before the parade starts, before I start cooking for the day, before my kids get out of bed excited and energized for the day, I am going to make a cup of coffee, light a candle, and grab my Bible and journal and spend some quiet time thanking God for the incredible life He has given me.

I will sing unto the Lord, because He hath dealt bountifully with me. Psalm 13:6

I was thinking this morning- what if this was my last Thanksgiving? How would I spend it? What would I change? I think I would take the time gather my littles close to me and hug and kiss them and tell them how much I love them and am grateful for them. I would take the time to let my husband know how very much he means to me. I would do more laughing and celebrating with friends and family and less complaining and getting frustrated. We are not guaranteed next year. Life is so short and unpredictable. We have to choose to make this Thanksgiving count.

Choose to Make the Time

Choose to take the time to thank God for His many blessings in your life.  Be fully present this Thanksgiving with your family and friends. Don’t be so busy making Thanksgiving perfect that you forget what it is all about- spending time with those you love and thanking the One who gave you this beautiful life to live.

Free Thanksgiving Printables

Just for fun, I created the Thanksgiving printables below. The first two you can print off and put in frames for your Thanksgiving table. The third one I created is for writing down how God has blessed you. It would be a fun project for kids to work on too! I hope you enjoy them. Sign up at the bottom of the page to get the three free printables.

Happy Thanksgiving from my family to yours!!


Free Thanksgiving Printable

Free Thanksgiving Printable

Free Gratitude Printable

Spontaneous Summer Fun

kids having fun on side of pool

Pool Fun– my kids and my sister’s kids (minus one of her kids that wasn’t around for this pic)

I am a very planned-out person. I love making plans, schedules, to-do lists, etc. I am not one of those spur-of-the moment types of people. Some people call that boring; I call it productive. Anyway, it is something I am trying to work on. I want to be a more fun person to be around, especially for my kids! Well, this week I got my chance to work on it.

On Sunday night around 11pm, just as I was drifting off to sleep, my phone rang. I picked it up and looked at it. It was my sister. I answered, and she told me that she and her husband and four kids were headed on family vacation the next day. They were going to be stopping just about an hour away from our house, and she wanted to know if we wanted to meet up with them. We only get to see them once or twice a year, so this was really exciting news. I hesitated for just a split second, thinking about how I would make all the details work. I stopped myself before I could talk myself out of it and said, “Yes. We would love to!” We finished talking and hung up.

I realized as I hung up that I didn’t really know any of the details, or how this was all going to work. I looked at my husband and said, “So, we are going to meet up with my sister and her kiddos tomorrow. Is that OK?” He graciously said yes, and we went to bed.

The next morning was a flurry of activity, getting our kids up and ready for the day. They were ecstatic when we told them they were going to spend the day with their cousins. My sister asked the manager at the hotel they were staying at if it would be OK for us to come swim with them.The manager said it was fine. So we grabbed swimsuits, towels, goggles, pool noodles, and packed the van and hit the road.

We met them for a fun lunch at Sonic. Then we headed back to their hotel to get ready to swim. Sometime during the craziness of getting seven kids ages eight and under ready to go swimming in one small hotel room, my husband came and told me that he was going to book us a room for the night. My initial “planner” personality kicked in… We didn’t plan that into our budget. What about clothes? What about cosmetics? But I decided in that moment to put all that aside and just roll with it– definitely something I am not good at doing.

two little girls sitting on edge of pool having fun

Our two little girls– cousins

We ended up having an amazing time! I haven’t laughed that hard in a long time! We had so much fun swimming together. That night we all went to Friday’s for dinner. You should have seen the hostess’s face when we asked for a table for 12! We got endless appetizers and yummy meals and enjoyed talking and laughing some more. After dinner, we went back to the pool and let the kids  go swimming again. I ran to Dollar Tree and got a few cosmetics and then hit Target to grab t-shirts for our family for the next day.

It all worked out. It was a crazy but amazing 24 hours. I can’t think of how much I would have missed if I had said no. It’s summer! It’s the time for crazy plans, pool parties, and family fun. I am so glad I just said yes and went with it!

What is something you have done that was crazy and last minute but turned out awesome? I would love to hear about it! Leave me a message in the comments section!

kids sitting on couch having fun

Five of the eight cousins waiting for a table at Friday’s