Tag Archives: fresh start

5 Great Products/Ideas to Start Your New Year Right

I love that God gifts us the gift of new beginnings. New years and new days, fresh starts, a chance to begin again. The beginning of a new year is just like the beginning of a new day—a fresh start, a chance to begin again.

There are different views on the new year. Some people love making goals and resolutions for the year; some people think they’re a waste of time. I am solely on the writing down my dreams and goals for the year side. I love writing down what I want to accomplish for the year with God’s help, and I love looking at that list at the end of the year to see what I was able to accomplish.

No matter which side you fall on, we can all agree that the new year is a great time to push reset.

Some Great Resources for This New Year

If you want to get your year off to a great start, here are a few ideas to get you started.

Daring to Imagine Bible Study.

I finished the end of last year and the first few days of January with this Bible study from youversion. It really encouraged my heart and my creativity. I feel like it’s a great study to kick off the new year. If you want to be encouraged and inspired by what God could do with your life, check out this study. Just download youversion on your phone, if you haven’t already, and look for the plan Daring to Imagine by Rick Warren. You won’t be disappointed; I promise you that!

A Simplified Life.

I read this book by Emily Ley during the last few weeks of last year and loved it! All of Emily Ley books are great, and this one is no exception. I read several of her books last year, but I think this is a great one for a brand new year. It’s all about simplifying your life. She teaches you how to do that by decluttering your home, schedule, calendar, and making time for what’s most important. It’s both really practical with checklists and ideas, and inspirational—which is why I love the book. I think it’s the perfect January book!

Find your word for the year.

My word for the year is more of a phrase. I chose joyful and grateful spirit from Galatians 4. I want my focus this year to be a joyful and grateful spirit, to be joyfully grateful. So many of the problems we have could be taken care of if we simply chose to be grateful for what we’ve been gifted and chose joy. If you haven’t chosen a word for the year, Dayspring has a great quiz you can take. I’ve done that in years past and loved it!

Faithfully Stepping Journal.

If you don’t already journal every day as a part of your morning, I can’t encourage it enough. I use these journals every single morning for my morning time routine. It helps me stay on track every single day with my prayer life and my Bible reading. You don’t have to use these journals, but at least use something to write down what God is teaching you each and every day. It will stay with you much longer; I promise.

A to-do list.

It doesn’t sound like an amazing new year product, but it has the potential to change your life. Commit every day to writing down a list of what you need to accomplish for the day and sticking with it. I recommend using the spiral notebook system if you don’t already have a plan. Even if you don’t accomplish everything on your list for the day, at least it gets you accomplishing something. Very few days do I accomplish everything on my list, but it gives me a direction time and time again throughout the day.

These are just a few simple ideas to help get us back on track in this new year. What ideas do you have for a brand new year?

Mornings are Our Reset Button


My Morning Routine

Over the years, mornings have become my favorite part of my day. The quiet hours before my kids wake up are my most productive hours. After I drag myself out of bed, I go downstairs and light a candle. Next, I make myself a cup of coffee. Right now, it’s decaf pumpkin spice coffee with french vanilla creamer. Then I sit at my table, open my journal, and begin my morning time routine of journaling, praying, and Bible reading. If you would like to know more about my system, check out My Best Tips for an Effective Morning Time.

Mornings are My Reset Button

I love the mornings because they are a reset button for my heart. It’s a chance to start over. I can confess and ask forgiveness for the things I did wrong yesterday. The start of a new day washes away the failures and disappointments of yesterday. With a clean heart, I can face the new day.

David’s Love of Mornings

I believe that David loved mornings. He developed a habit of spending time with God in the morning. Why do I think this? David wrote so many verses in the Psalms about spending time with God in the morning.

I love the verse David wrote in Psalm 5.

My voice shalt thou hear in the morning, O Lord; in the morning will I direct my prayer unto thee, and will look up. Psalm 5:3 (KJV)

Similarily, I love how this verse is paraphrased in the Message.

Every morning I lay out the pieces of my life on your altar… (MSG)

Each New Day is a Fresh Start

Each new morning is a chance to come before God and lay out the pieces of my life. It’s a chance to realign myself with what God has for me for the day. When we find ourselves going several days on end without spending time with God in the morning, we get off track. Consequently, we lose focus on what is important and what God wants us to accomplish.

Each new day is a chance to start fresh. It doesn’t matter what happened yesterday. Instead of focusing on the failures and frustrations of yesterday, I can focus on what God has for me to accomplish today. God gives us a new day and a new chance to start over.

Jeremiah reminds us in Lamentations that God’s compassions are new every morning. Each day is a reset button, even on God’s compassion and mercy.

It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness. Lamentations 3:23 (KJV)

A Chance to Start Over

I don’t know what happened yesterday or the day before, but today is your chance to start over. Push the reset button. Start the day right by spending a few minutes in prayer and reading your Bible. Then ask God what He has for you today. Lay out your plans before Him and ask Him to direct you. When we get into the habit of doing this each morning, God can accomplish something great in and through us.