Tag Archives: guard your heart

6 Things We Can Do for Soul Health

We got the kids out of bed early yesterday morning, so we could get on the road. Our field trip for the day was the Cape May Zoo, a favorite of ours. It’s a favorite both because it’s an amazing zoo, and it’s free! So it’s a win-win for us. But before the zoo opened at ten, we wanted to spend an hour or so on the beach.

We got there early, before it was too busy. We set up our chairs, and I grabbed my notebook and pen. With an iced coffee in hand, I stared out at the waves and felt the sun warm my skin as I began to write down some ideas for books I want to write. It was so relaxing and peaceful. There’s something about sitting on the beach on a sunny day before it gets too crazy busy. It brings peace to my soul. We stayed for about an hour and a half before it started getting busy.

What Makes You, You

Your soul is the basic essence of what makes you, you. It’s your mind, your emotions, your will. You can add character, feelings, thoughts to that as well. We don’t think about our souls a lot, but the health of our soul is so important. We are the only ones that can protect our souls. Jesus reminds us of this in Matthew.

Don’t be afraid of those who want to kill your body; they cannot touch your soul. Fear only God, who can destroy both soul and body in hell.

Matthew 10:28 NLT

It’s so good to remember that nobody can touch my soul; it’s protected by God. Our soul is what will go with us to Heaven one day. But a challenging thought is that I can touch my soul. I have the power to protect or corrupt my soul.

Be Careful What You Put In

What I put into my mind affects the health of my soul–the things I read, watch, think, believe, the conversations I have. All these things affect me, so I have to guard myself.

Guard your heart above all else,
    for it determines the course of your life.

Proverbs 4:23

Jesus spoke about this idea in Matthew as well.

But the words you speak come from the heart—that’s what defiles you. For from the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, all sexual immorality, theft, lying, and slander.  These are what defile you…”

Matthew 15:18-20

What we put into us is what is going to come out, and it’s from within that our outward actions of sin start. If we want to protect our soul, we have to watch what we let into our lives. We also have to add good things. What are things we can do practically for soul/heart health?

woman sitting in the sun for soul health

6 Things you can do for soul health:

  1. Develop a morning time routine. Spend the first part of your morning with God.
  2. Set limits for social media and the news, or take a break all together. A steady diet is too overwhelming and sends puts brains on overload.
  3. Listen to uplifting worship music.
  4. Get outside and go for a walk.
  5. Go somewhere that is beautiful–the beach, a garden, a creek, the mountains, a place with a view. Enjoying nature is a great way to give our soul the reset it needs.
  6. Memorize verses.

More Encouragement

For more encouragement, check out my post What I’m Feeding My Soul.