Do you love leftovers? I love leftovers. It’s my favorite night of the week. Why? Because I don’t have to actually cook anything. Everything is ready to go; all you have to do is warm it up. And there are usually several choices, so you can sort of mix and match and create your own special masterpiece. I know some people don’t like leftovers, but for our family, they’re a built-in part of our week.
Being willing to eat leftovers is similar to being willing to wear used clothes, shop at discount stores, and buy non-name brand food. There are no rewards for it; it just usually makes things a little easier…and cheaper. It’s about being willing to be content and even find joy in things that aren’t necessarily shiny or new.
Grace, Our Neighbor’s Dog
It’s sort of similar to our neighbor’s dog. We’ve been walking Grace, while her owner has been in the hospital. We take her on a walk every morning and every evening, and every single time she is so excited to go for a walk. It never gets old to her. Every time a leaf skitters across the sidewalk, she pounces on it. Every time a squirrel runs across a yard, she tries to chase it. She has unbridled joy at the tiniest things, and it makes it fun to take her out.
Choosing to eat leftovers is about being willing to be content and even find joy in the mundane. Not every day is a celebration; not every meal is a three-course experience. Some nights are simply just a leftover night. Yet, we can still choose to find the joy. We can be thankful for what we have and be willing to make things work.
David’s Example
David reminds us that at each and every stage of his life, he worked to find the good things God did and share those things with others. David knew what it was like to live a life in triumphs and tragedies; but he also knew how to live in the mundane. He knew what it was like to watch sheep, to practice an instrument, to be a soldier, to spend years on the run, to marry and have children. Through it all, he looked for the good, and he shared that good with others.
O God, you have taught me from my earliest childhood,
and I constantly tell others about the wonderful things you do.Now that I am old and gray,
do not abandon me, O God.
Let me proclaim your power to this new generation,
your mighty miracles to all who come after me.Psalm 71:18
Try Some Leftovers This Week
So if you’re not a leftovers person, try it. Keep the leftovers from the meals you make this week and then pick a night to put them out. Try something new. Come up with something amazing like they do on those Food Network shows where they have to use leftovers to create something new. Or, you know, just throw the container of leftover chicken in the microwave. When you do, remember that it’s about making the best out of what you have. It’s about finding joy in the mundane, everyday life. That’s where you find the happiness and joy you’re searching for.
More Encouragement
For more on this topic, check out Emily Freeman’s Simply Tuesday or check out my post, Finding the Good Happening in Front of Our Eyes.