New Beginnings
Easter is our reminder of hope and new beginnings. It comes at such the perfect time of year for me. Where we live, Easter comes when Spring has just started to descend. The sun has just started to come out again. New buds begin to form on trees and early plants begin to shoot up. It feels fresh and alive and so good after a long, dreary winter.
Jesus’ resurrection had to have felt the same way all those years ago. The disciples and Jesus’ followers had been through so much before Jesus even died. Then their beloved leader dies a gruesome death. They feel such sorrow and loss of hope. Those three days were the longest days they’d ever experienced.
So imagine their surprise and even disbelief when they hear Jesus is no longer in the tomb. John and Peter run to the tomb and find it empty. Then Jesus begins appearing to some and then all of them. It was amazing and exciting all at the same time.
Fresh Hope
Easter is our reminder that fresh hope is still available. Maybe you’ve been in a season of grief or sickness. Maybe financial stress has crippled you, or maybe somebody has done something to cause you incredible grief.
This weekend is a chance to celebrate new life, new beginnings and to let the past go. I don’t know if you need this, but I do. Sometimes, I just need to be able to set the reset button. I need to be able to let go of some things and put some things behind me. I am giving myself permission to do that this Easter, and I’m giving you permission to do the same.
A Sunday of Healing
When you celebrate Easter this Sunday, let your heart open up and really feel God’s love, mercy, forgiveness, and renewal. When you sing the worship songs, release the frustrations and worry and fear. When you hear the message, open your heart to God’s message of new life and new beginnings. When you fellowship, love on other people and feel their love in return as the body of Christ is meant to be. Let this Easter Sunday minister to your heart and heal you; then let it propel you towards what God has for you.
More Encouragement
For more encouragement, check out Matt’s book, 6 Days to Sunday: Turn Setbacks into Comebacks or check out my post, When Everything Changed for Mary.