Pay Day
Pay day is the most exciting day…even when we know the money is most going to be used to pay the bills. There’s still a part of us that gets excited. We’re getting the payoff for our hard work. Bonuses are even more fun because they are just “extra.” It’s an extra payment for doing a good job or going above and beyond.
Getting paid helps us to remember that somebody sees us, sees our work. It’s the payoff for working hard.
Similarly, God tells us that he sees our work.
“I know all the things you do. I have seen your love, your faith, your service, and your patient endurance. And I can see your constant improvement in all these things.
God Sees You
He sees all the things you do. He sees your love, your faith, your service, and your patient endurance.
- He’s seen that you love when nobody else does. He sees the constant love you pour out on your family, your neighbors, and those around you. He sees that you give of yourself tirelessly, often with nothing in return.
- Hes sees your faith. You’ve been so tempted to give up, to throw in the towel. Yet you haven’t. You’ve believed when there was nothing to see. You’ve stayed faithful when everybody else walked away. You’ve dug deep see to continue to see God’s goodness, to trust that goodness…even when nobody else could see it.
- Your service has not gone unnoticed. He’s seen the million times your served in nursery, kids club, your ministry. He’s seen all the times you’ve made a meal for someone or given money to help those in need. He’s seen your hours of service, and he doesn’t forget it .
- Lastly, he’s seen your patient endurance. You’ve haven’t given up when times were hard, when money was low, or when discouragement was rampant. You’ve refused to give up and walk away when everybody else has. You have patiently endured.
Pay Day is Coming
Then he takes it a step further. He sees your growth in each of these areas. He’s taken notice. And the amazing thing about God? He has a long memory. He doesn’t forget. In fact, he keeps a tally, a record. I don’t know when it’s coming, but pay day is coming. One day, God is going to reward you for the things you’ve done. And while we spiritualize things so often, it doesn’t have to be just in heaven. Yes, our ultimate reward are in heaven, but God promises blessings in the here and now as well.
So stay faithful because pay day is coming. God has been watching and keeping track, and he is going to reward you accordingly.
More Encouragement
For more encouragement, check out my post, Stay Faithful because a New Season is Coming or check out Matt’s book, Breakthrough: Transforming the Death of a Dream into the Birth of a Breakthrough.