Tag Archives: thankful

Creating Colorful, Fun Gratitude Journals as a Family

Each year, as we head into the new year, I am on the lookout for things we can do as a family to set ourselves up for the new year–setting goals, doing calendar planning for the year, looking back at what went well the year before, and more.

Gratitude Journals

This year, we created gratitude journals to use for the year and combined that with our word for the year. I was so happy with how it went, I’m doing it with our ladies at church as well. It was super simple and inexpensive…which is the best kind of craft! I love something that everybody can get involved in that’s colorful, meaningful, and fun. Gratitude journals fit the bill for that. We created ours on January 1st, but I think it’s something you can do any time of year. But January is a really great time to make one so you can use it all year. Here’s what we did.

Our Supplies

We bought craft notebooks from Amazon. Everybody got to pick their favorite. Next, each of us took the word of the year quiz. My word for the year is delight. Each of us wrote our word for the year on the front cover, and then we got to work decorating. We had a bunch of stickers we’d ordered from Amazon, lots of sharpies, and some pictures Matt printed off for us to use. I found actual gratitude stickers that I’ll be using for my ladies’ event when we make gratitude journals.

Journal Entries

Then, on the inside, we each wrote down three of the best things from last year. After that, each of us wrote down at least three goals for the year. Matt and I went a little further. We’re currently reading Jon Acuff’s book All It Takes is a Goal together. In his book, he teaches the concept of making a best moments list. You write down some of the best moments in your life up to this point, and then you use that list to help you take a good look at your life and be able to do more of what makes those best moments. (That’s the simplified version of it.) So we created a best moments list in our notebook as well. Matt added some more to the inside of his journal as well.

Now, we add an entry for each day that we have something to write down that we’re grateful for. I try to remind the kids every few days or so to add something.

At the end of the year, we will get to look back at our gratitude journals and see how God blessed throughout the year. Another fun take on this that I might still do is a blessings jar. Every time there’s a blessing or answered prayer, you write it down and drop it in the jar. At the end of year, you open the jar and read all the blessings. Such a fun idea, right? I love these kinds of ideas that bring our family together and help us focus on God’s goodness rather than all the negative around us.

What about you? What are you doing to get your new year kicked off right?

More Encouragement

For more like this, check out my post, 5 Great Products/Ideas to Start Your New Year Right.

Choose to be a Leftovers Person

picture of leftovers

Do you love leftovers? I love leftovers. It’s my favorite night of the week. Why? Because I don’t have to actually cook anything. Everything is ready to go; all you have to do is warm it up. And there are usually several choices, so you can sort of mix and match and create your own special masterpiece. I know some people don’t like leftovers, but for our family, they’re a built-in part of our week.

Being willing to eat leftovers is similar to being willing to wear used clothes, shop at discount stores, and buy non-name brand food. There are no rewards for it; it just usually makes things a little easier…and cheaper. It’s about being willing to be content and even find joy in things that aren’t necessarily shiny or new.

Grace, Our Neighbor’s Dog

It’s sort of similar to our neighbor’s dog. We’ve been walking Grace, while her owner has been in the hospital. We take her on a walk every morning and every evening, and every single time she is so excited to go for a walk. It never gets old to her. Every time a leaf skitters across the sidewalk, she pounces on it. Every time a squirrel runs across a yard, she tries to chase it. She has unbridled joy at the tiniest things, and it makes it fun to take her out.

Choosing to eat leftovers is about being willing to be content and even find joy in the mundane. Not every day is a celebration; not every meal is a three-course experience. Some nights are simply just a leftover night. Yet, we can still choose to find the joy. We can be thankful for what we have and be willing to make things work.

David’s Example

David reminds us that at each and every stage of his life, he worked to find the good things God did and share those things with others. David knew what it was like to live a life in triumphs and tragedies; but he also knew how to live in the mundane. He knew what it was like to watch sheep, to practice an instrument, to be a soldier, to spend years on the run, to marry and have children. Through it all, he looked for the good, and he shared that good with others.

O God, you have taught me from my earliest childhood,
    and I constantly tell others about the wonderful things you do.Now that I am old and gray,
    do not abandon me, O God.
Let me proclaim your power to this new generation,
    your mighty miracles to all who come after me.

Psalm 71:18

Try Some Leftovers This Week

So if you’re not a leftovers person, try it. Keep the leftovers from the meals you make this week and then pick a night to put them out. Try something new. Come up with something amazing like they do on those Food Network shows where they have to use leftovers to create something new. Or, you know, just throw the container of leftover chicken in the microwave. When you do, remember that it’s about making the best out of what you have. It’s about finding joy in the mundane, everyday life. That’s where you find the happiness and joy you’re searching for.

More Encouragement

For more on this topic, check out Emily Freeman’s Simply Tuesday or check out my post, Finding the Good Happening in Front of Our Eyes.

Using the ABCs to Combat Discouragement

Ready for Spring

I don’t know about you, but I am so ready for spring to actually arrive in PA. This is the time of year that I struggle with discouragement. The days aren’t quite warm yet, the sun doesn’t shine often, and spring seems just out of reach. On days that I feel discouraged, I need something to combat those feelings.

The best way to combat discouragement is to be thankful. Gratitude defeats discouragement every time. So if you’re feeling discouraged or just down today, I have something for you to try.

An Assignment for Today

Get out a sheet of paper and write the alphabet, one letter per line. Then spend a few minutes thinking of something you’re thankful for that starts with that letter. You can get creative; some of the letters are harder than others.

I did this assignment this morning, just to see if it works. I had fun doing it; it tapped into my creative side as well as my gratitude. The ones I couldn’t think of, Matt helped me finish off. Like I said, you have to get creative. We did (e)xperiences for x. It doesn’t have to be perfect. You’re just spending a few minutes remembering how good God has been. (Don’t mind my changing colors; my pens kept taking turns going out on me.)

God’s Command to Remember

God told his people over and over again to remember the things he had done for them. I read it again this morning in my morning time.

But be sure to fear the Lord and faithfully serve him. Think of all the wonderful things he has done for you.

I Samuel 12:24 NLT

It is so easy to get discouraged and forget what God has done in the past, or what he’s done even today. Just today alone, he gave you another day, a sunrise, strength to get out of bed, a job, food on the table, family to enjoy life with, a warm bed to sleep in, a home to live in, a car to drive, friends to do life with, a church family…and on and on the list goes. Those may not all be true for you, but most of them probably are. We have so much to be thankful for.

Spending just a few minutes today and every day remembering to be thankful changes your thought process. It can turn discouragement into gratitude. Try it and see if it works!

More Encouragement

For more encouragement, check out my post, How Nature Helps Me Combat Discouragement.

If you enjoyed today’s post and writing down what you’re thankful for, check out our Faithfully Stepping Journals. We provide a section to write down every day what you’re grateful for. I can’t tell you what a difference it makes to take the first few minutes of your day (every day) to write down what you’re thankful for.

3 Ways to Turn Discouragement into Hope

We all go through times of discouragement. It can happen any time, but one of the times people get most discouraged is in the months of January and February. The sun isn’t out as much; it’s generally colder, depending on where you live. Especially for those of us in the North, it’s sort of a depressing time of year.

What do you do to combat that discouragement? How do you find hope? What do you when you feel defeated? Matt and I were having a discussion about this topic this week. The next few days in my morning time, God brought these verses and thoughts to mind that can help turn our discouragement into hope.

1. Believe.

My word for this year is believe. It sounds cliche or simple, but there is nothing cliche about believing, about taking God at his word. When life feels like it’s falling apart, and you don’t know what to do, turn to God. Choose once again to believe, to have faith that he can make good come from the bad and the ugly. Trust him to bring you through this time. Understand that he’s still at work.

You can read my full post about my word for the year, about believing, HERE.

2. Be Still.

One of the most well-known verses in the Bible is from Psalm 46:10, “Be still, and know that I am God!” There’s something about that verse, about those words. It brings a sense of peace and calm to our hearts, even in the midst of chaos and confusion.

When the Israelites stood on the opposite side of the Red Sea after crossing all night on dry ground, they turned back to see the Egyptian army coming after them in full force. Chariots riding hard, generals shouting commands, soldiers in gleaming armor, piercing weapons…it made quite a picture, a terrifying one. Yet, Moses tells the people to stand and watch.

I don’t know about you, but I don’t think I would have been able to stand and watch. I would have turned and ran in fear. But Moses tells them to stand still; see his words from Exodus 14.

But Moses told the people, “Don’t be afraid. Just stand still and watch the Lord rescue you today. The Egyptians you see today will never be seen again.”

Exodus 14:13

Those were powerful words coming from their leader. The Israelites obey; they stand still and watch. They watch as God releases the hold on the walls of water on either side of the Egyptian army, and those waters crash down, drowning the entire army. I can’t imagine the shock and silence that followed in those first few moments before they erupted in cheers and praise to God for saving them.

It seems so counterintuitive when you’re in danger, in a trial, in trouble, to be still. Yet, that’s what God wants from us sometimes. Sometimes, when we’ve done all we can do, we have to be silent and wait and watch God work.

3. Be Thankful.

The third thing to do is to find something to be thankful for. Sometimes, we have to just look at our day and find something to be thankful for. Then find something else. Maybe it’s simply to look at the sunrise and be thankful for another day. Maybe it’s to look at those closest to you and be thankful that you don’t have to go through life alone. Whether it’s one thing, or ten, choose to find something to be thankful for.

Jon Gordon says this, “It’s actually physiologically impossible to be stressed and thankful at the same time.”

The Psalmist wrote this in Psalm 50:

Make thankfulness your sacrifice to God, and keep the vows you made to the Most High.

Psalm 50:14

But giving thanks is a sacrifice that truly honors me.

Psalm 50:23

There’s something that happens when we choose to be thankful. Our minds are changed when we choose to be thankful, choose to find something to be grateful for. Why? Because at least for that little bit, our mind focuses on something that brings us joy. We focus on something that makes us content, and that draws our attention away from our problems. Gratitude has a way of lightening our load. It often helps us to remember that we don’t really have it that bad; there are others who have it so much worse.

If you find yourself struggling with discouragement today, with being hurt, feeling like God’s not pleased with you, then try one or all three of these things this week and see if it doesn’t turn your discouragement into hope.

More Encouragement

For more encouragement on this topic, check out my book, The Hidden Pain: When You Fear God is No Longer Blessing Your Life or check out my post, The Key to Unlocking Hope.

Don’t Let this Thanksgiving Pass You By + Free Printables

The Busyness of the Holiday

Thanksgiving comes each year, and with it comes the crazy busyness of the holiday. The grocery shopping and last-minute runs to the store for all the things we forgot, the cooking and baking, the decorating, the entertaining, and all the special things that make Thanksgiving the holiday it is. We get so busy that often the day passes by without us ever getting a chance to thank the One who has made it all possible. It’s hard to take the time to make that happen.

Making the Time

I get it. I really do. I am hosting two separate Thanksgivings this year. One on Wednesday night and another one on Thanksgiving day, and we are heading to a third one on Thanksgiving night. It’s crazy! But somewhere in the midst of all that, I have to set aside time to thank God for my blessings. So Thursday morning, before the parade starts, before I start cooking for the day, before my kids get out of bed excited and energized for the day, I am going to make a cup of coffee, light a candle, and grab my Bible and journal and spend some quiet time thanking God for the incredible life He has given me.

I will sing unto the Lord, because He hath dealt bountifully with me. Psalm 13:6

I was thinking this morning- what if this was my last Thanksgiving? How would I spend it? What would I change? I think I would take the time gather my littles close to me and hug and kiss them and tell them how much I love them and am grateful for them. I would take the time to let my husband know how very much he means to me. I would do more laughing and celebrating with friends and family and less complaining and getting frustrated. We are not guaranteed next year. Life is so short and unpredictable. We have to choose to make this Thanksgiving count.

Choose to Make the Time

Choose to take the time to thank God for His many blessings in your life.  Be fully present this Thanksgiving with your family and friends. Don’t be so busy making Thanksgiving perfect that you forget what it is all about- spending time with those you love and thanking the One who gave you this beautiful life to live.

Free Thanksgiving Printables

Just for fun, I created the Thanksgiving printables below. The first two you can print off and put in frames for your Thanksgiving table. The third one I created is for writing down how God has blessed you. It would be a fun project for kids to work on too! I hope you enjoy them. Sign up at the bottom of the page to get the three free printables.

Happy Thanksgiving from my family to yours!!


Free Thanksgiving Printable

Free Thanksgiving Printable

Free Gratitude Printable