Tag Archives: tired

When You’re Exhausted

exhausted mom

Exhausted. It’s a mom during a 2 AM feeding for her crying newborn. Weary. The guy working third shift to make ends meet. Tired. The college student pulling an “all-nighter” to complete a paper for a class at 7 AM. Worn out. The family that’s trying to help their loved one overcome addiction. Burned-out. The boss who can’t meet payroll. Drained. The couple who wonders if they should end their marriage. 

**Today’s blog post is an excerpt from our 30-day Devotional You Are Not Alone.


Fatigue can make us fearful, doubtful, and depressed. It’s one thing to be physically tired. It’s another thing to be so weary at the soul level that you lie awake at night staring at the ceiling. You’re so exhausted you can’t sleep. That’s tiring. 

What can you do when you can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel? Take a glimpse into David’s life.

David was exhausted from being in conflict with people.

Psalm 57:6

David was weary from an all-night sob fest.

Psalm 6:6

David was worn out from waiting.

Psalm 119:81

David was tired of the toxic people around him.

Psalm 120:6

David was broken from a weary soul.

Psalm 63:1

David was tired of God’s heavy hand on him.

Psalm 39:10

Sometimes it feels like God is actively working against us. It’s in these times, we seek God’s rest. 

What’s God’s answer for you when you’re exhausted? More work? Trying harder to do better?

Rest for the Weary

God’s answer is rest. He gives rest for your mind, your body, and your soul. How can we practically activate this rest?

1. Set a stopping time for your work. Your body will give you the stopping point and give out on you otherwise. God gives rest for your body. My body rests in safety.” (Psalm 16:9) 

2. Look for the natural rhythms God gives you. Don’t be a martyr. No one wins awards for making things harder on themselves. Instead, work toward peaceful healthy places and spaces in life. Who are healthy encouraging people you can be around? Where are safe places? What drains you? What fills you up? God leads you to peaceful and healthy places naturally. Look for them in your life. Don’t fight against them. “He lets me rest in green meadows; he leads me beside peaceful streams.” (Psalm 23:2)

Flip the Script

If you can worry, you can worship. Whatever narrative you’re telling yourself must change if you want rest. 

Replace: “I’ve got to try harder” with “God is working for my best when I’m at rest.” 

“God gives rest to his loved ones.” 

Psalm 127:2

Replace: “People in my life are dangerous and can’t be trusted” with “God is my safe space and place.

”I“… live in the shelter of the Most High … find rest in the shadow of the Almighty.” 

Psalm 91:1

Replace: “Nothing ever works out for me” with “God is ever and always good to me.” 

“…the Lord has been good to me.” (Psalm 116:7)

What kind of rest do you need from God today?

Taking It Further

Today’s Bible ReadingPsalm 127

What does God say about rest? (verse 2)

One of the reasons you may find yourself so exhausted is that you may be doing more of drains you than what fills you up. Take a few minutes to answer the following questions. 

What drains you?

What fills you up? 

Which are you doing more of—what drains you or what fills you up?

If you picked what drains you, then there needs to be a change. Write down some ways you can get more of what fills you up into your weekly schedule.

For More Encouragement

If you enjoyed this devotional, be sure to check out You Are Not Alone as well as our other devotionals.

You can also check out my post, Have You Ever Tried a Sabbath Day?

The One Guarantee if You Quit

Wanting to Quit

Have you ever wanted to quit on something, but you didn’t? You pushed through and were rewarded when you did? 

We were walking this week as a family on some trails. We’re past the peak of fall, and there’s not much color left. We’d been walking down this one path for a while and just not seeing anything worth seeing. Honestly, I was about ready to tell the kids to head back when all of a sudden, we turned a corner and this beautiful scene opened up before our eyes. It looked like something out of a fairy tale. We almost missed it. If we hadn’t kept going, we would have missed it completely.

One Thing’s For Sure

What do you have in your life right now that you want to give up on? What’s just not working? What are you ready to say enough to? You’ve tried and tried, and it’s just not working. You’re exhausted from trying so hard. You’re ready to be done. You feel overlooked, underappreciated, undervalued. Everybody else is making it work, but you just can’t! What are you so close to giving up on?

Here’s the next question: What will happen if you quit? One of my favorite quotes about not giving up comes from Steve Harvey.

“Everybody has a turn-back moment. You have a moment where you can go forward or you can give up. … [But] if you give up, the guarantee is it will never happen. … The only way the possibility remains that it can happen is if you never give up, no matter what.”

Steve Harvey

If you quit now, you can know for sure that you will never know what would have happened if you hung in there, if you waited it out. 

So I’m coming alongside you today saying, “Don’t quit. Not yet. Hold on just a little bit longer. Keep at it just a little longer.” What might be on the other side if you just don’t quit?

Exercise to Try

Here’s a great exercise to try. Write down what could happen if you don’t quit. 
Now write down what will for sure happen if you do decide to walk away? Now compare the two lists. Which one could you live with? Which one could change your life? Why?

The writer of the book of Hebrews understood a little something about wanting to give up, about growing weary and losing heart.

Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.

Hebrews 12:3

The writer tells us to consider Jesus. Why? So that you won’t grow weary and lose heart. How does that work?

When we stop and consider or think about Jesus and all that he went through for us, it helps us to remember what’s really important.

Turning our Focus to Jesus

Why does that work? Why does focusing on Jesus help us to keep going? That’s because focusing on Jesus does four things for us.

Focusing on Jesus…

  1. Gets the focus off of ourselves.
  2. Makes our problems not seem as big.
  3. Reminds us what’s important and what’s at stake.
  4. Reminds us that Jesus knows and understands.

This High Priest of ours understands our weaknesses, for he faced all of the same testings we do, yet he did not sin. 

Hebrews 4:15

So if you’re feeling tired today, if you feel like you just want to quit, like you can’t do this anymore…turn your focus to Jesus. Consider what he did for you. He gave everything for you, so that you could in turn live for him. Remember his amazing gift of love and let that challenge and encourage you to serve him today and not give up.

He knows what you’re going through, and he will get you through. Only God knows what’s on the other side if you don’t quit! But you’ll never know if you choose to give it all up.

More encouragement

For more encouragement, check out Matt’s book Breakthrough or check out my post It’s Too Soon to Quit.