One of the things I have found over the years that helps me combat discouragement is getting outside in nature. Because we homeschool, one of the things we try to do is to take nature walks. The kids look for as many things as they can find while we’re out and then write it down in their notebooks. Sometimes we draw or paint, sometimes we listen to a podcast about nature, sometimes we read a book, and sometimes we simply just write down everything we saw.
Our Walk Yesterday

Yesterday, we took a nature walk. We were so happy just to be outside. The sun was out, and it was finally warm after a long, dreary winter. One of the first things we saw was a furry and rather large ground hog wiggling his way across the grass. After that, the kids were off. We saw tadpoles, bees, fish, flowers, a spider, ducks, water, and more. We took pictures of some of the things we saw. I love flowers, especially bright spring ones. So we took pictures of those.

By the time we were finished, everybody was worn out and hungry, but refreshed and heartened after being out in nature.
When I find myself getting depressed or discouraged, sometimes a simple walk outside can make all the difference in the world. I’m not saying go crazy and pack a backpack and hike a mountain. I’m simply talking about grabbing a water bottle and a granola bar and a phone for pictures. Pick a place that has some beauty to enjoy and just get outside for a little while.
Here are a few ideas for getting out in nature.

10 Ideas for Getting Out into Nature
- Pack a lunch and eat by a creek or pond or lake.
- Go for a nature walk and write down or take pictures of as many “nature-y” things as you can see.
- Go for a walk and listen to good music or preaching.
- Listen to a nature podcast as you walk. We love the No Sweat Nature Study Podcast with Miss Cindy. She’s the best; my kids love her podcast.
- Sign up for a nature study or hike with your local library or a local park.
- Explore a new trail.
- Take a picnic lunch and eat in a field with nature all around you.
- Plan a visit to a garden or an arboretum. We score free passes for these things from our library.
- Find something beautiful on your walk or at a park and sketch it or paint it.
- Find a beautiful setting and write—journal your thoughts, write some poetry, write down a prayer to God.
There are so many ways to enjoy nature that don’t have to be crazy or a lot of work. It just takes a few minutes of planning.
The next time you are feeling discouraged, try one of the ideas above and see if that helps to encourage your heart!
More Encouragement
For more on this topic, check out my post, 10 Things You Can do to Combat Burnout.