What Are You Giving Your Best Hours To?

Did you know that you are the most productive you’re ever going to be right after you wake up? Your best hours are first thing in the morning. Matt read that in a book recently, and it totally makes sense. When else are you more productive than after you’ve just had a good night’s sleep? I know, of course, there’s a case for night owls and those who get a lot accomplished at night. I get it. Sometimes, I feel that way too. But there really is no better time, when your brain is awake and active to get things done…well, maybe after that first cup of coffee.

Your Best Hours

There are so many reasons that make it hard to get out of bed in the morning. I get it. I really do, but I also know that if I don’t get up early and tap into those quiet morning hours before the kids get up, my day is going to be shot. Your best working hours are those first few hours after you wake up. So that begs the question–what are you giving those hours to?

What’s the first thing you focus on in the morning? What gets your attention first thing? What are you giving your best hours to? There’s an argument to be made that whatever you spend your first attention on in the morning is where your priorities and focus are. Our focus should be on getting out of bed and starting our morning time routine, but life happens. Things take our focus, first thing in the morning. If we don’t make our morning time with God a priority, the day will be over before we realize it. We have to choose to make God a priority first thing in the morning.

Our Focus

I remember a lady came up to Matt after he taught on morning time and told him that he shouldn’t drink coffee for his morning time. She told him that he should focus on God first and not coffee. To that, he responded, “You do you.” Seriously though, we each have to do what works for us. For some of you, you might have to get up and nurse a baby first thing. Others may have to see a husband off to work right away. Life is messy, so it’s not going to look perfect. The goal is simply to do your best to focus on God first thing in the morning. That’s going to look different for each of us, but God knows our hearts.

Here’s a few quick tips to get your mornings back on track:

  1. Go to bed at a good time the night before, so you can get up early.
  2. Light a candle.
  3. Make a good cup of coffee.
  4. Buy a good journal and a nice set of pens.
  5. Have a good Bible or devotional on hand.
  6. Keep everything together in one basket so you don’t have to track it all down each morning.

For More Encouragement

For more encouragement, check out my post Jumpstart Your Morning Time Routine and check out the devotionals and journals we have to offer at Manney Resources.

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Hi friend, thanks for stopping by! I'm Amanda. I am a pastor's wife and a homeschooling mom who has a passion to encourage women to faithfully step every day into what God has for them.

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